Our Emergency Catering service is something we are very proud of; we have provided catering for many different types of emergencies.
Temporary Cafe
Other examples of what we class as emergencies are helping event organisers who have been let down by the caterers they had originally
booked, in these instances we can get the call from 1-3 days before the event or in some cases the morning of the event. We always
do our upmost to provide these events with the catering units they are looking for and it’s very rare that we cannot help. Please see
below for our average deployment times.
Naturally the more time you give us the better. However many food outlets you require just give us a call, as we are always ready to help.
Anywhere in Dublin: 1 hour
Counties Kildare, Wicklow, Meath, 1 & half hours
Co West Meath, Co Mullingar,” 2 hours
Add 30 min setup time
William: 086 023 0255
Office: 01 806 8365